Nothing from Tuesday 11 March 2025 to Wednesday 11 June 2025.

Workshops –
Moving Into Unity (M.I.U.) weekends
– actual dates for workshops: check the aenda above and/or the home page
These workshops are created as a practice for spiritual alignment and embodiment.
Tantric Movement Meditations & Prayers for immersing in a Love-relationship with Reality.
The work we are sharing is created for spiritual embodiment and alignment of the body-mind with the Cosmos, or the deep knowing of our true Being.
Many on the path of awakening are looking for ways to ‘give hands and feet’ to their spiritual understanding, and how to integrate this wisdom in their daily life, their work, and their relationships.
To fully integrate and being true to the Non-dual understanding we want to include the body in this process of transformation and liberation.
The way we do this in MIU is very beautiful and sensual. Some meditations are done individually, but most of them are done in couples to enable getting direct feedback from life, and to merge the inner and the outer.
The Dance of Shiva and Shakti
Not only will this weekend be a wonderful journey, more importantly is the long-term effect of this approach. What you can expect is that you will reach an increased (bodily) sensitivity and refinement of your own movements, tuning in to the cosmic dance of life: the dance of Shiva and Shakti.
The work moves between Vedantic revelation and the Tantric* approach of realisation.
*(Though it is a highly sensitive and sensual way, we don’t focus on sexual energy in this approach)
For whom?
Many of us on a spiritual quest aspire to balance the inner and the outer. These weekends help you to bring your daily life, your relationships, and your work more in harmony with the deep knowing of your true Being.
The movement meditations of MIU are created especially as a practice for this re-alignment, where we bring the body-mind in accordance with our Spirit. When all is aligned we can realize Unity. We become transparent and our life and relating can become balanced and clear accordingly.
Weekends or Retreats are designed to deeply immerse yourself into the depth of our shared being, using the playful and inspiring principles of Tango and Non-Duality.
Practically this means aligning our verticality, which is our connection between the earth and pure consciousness, and the horizontal plane in which we experience ourselves, our way in the world and in relation to others.