Lizelot de Stigter, 1975 was trained as a ballet and contemporary dancer, and has been teaching Argentine Tango internationally for over 25 years. In the world of dance she is known for her unique didactics, which is often called
‘The Technique of Feeling’.
She is a spiritual teacher transmitting movement meditations for soul-embodiment as a spiritual practice.
Her spiritual path is deeply rooted in Sufism.
She discovered Rumi at the age of 14. Reading a single sentence sent her into an ecstatic rapture. The direct experience of this Sufi-nature then made it impossible for her to settle for anything less than absolute purity. An arduous journey, through the material, matter and the body followed.
Finally, at the age of 24, she met her spiritual master Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh by whom she was initiated in the mystical path, and was guided by him closely.
Lizelot developed movement meditations for aligning the human form with the Divine Essence, the individual mind with pure Consciousness.
She functions as a guide for others, enabling transformation and self-realisation in the midst of the world and daily human life.
She lives on biodynamic farm ‘Blisveld’ together with her husband and co-teacher Jillis, their dog, cat, sheep, chickens and donkeys, where she also offers seminars and retreats.
Lizelot de Stigter is a spiritual teacher, using movement meditations for transmission.
From early life mystical experiences guided her on the spiritual journey, which revolves around embracing the human form and embodying the Divine.
She has dedicated her life to finding and opening pathways to align the body with the Divine, and to the transmission of the liberated state by directly moving with people and touching them on the level of essence and our shared Being.
While teaching Tango, intimately working with about 150 students a week for 20 years, she was deeply investigating how masculine and feminine principles are merging in creation. It is the profound and refined study and transmission of true Nataraj, the Dance of Shiva and Shakti.
“Lizelot de Stigter knows and speaks the secret language that connects the body and the universal mysteries. Her expertise comes not from the outside – the mechanical understanding of movement – but from deep within. As a teacher, her passion for embodying the Divine is contagious.”
Dr. Shay T. – Author, speaker and teacher in the fields of self-evolution and practical philosophy.

Lizelot de Stigter is opgeleid als balletdanseres, heeft een internationale carrière gehad als Tangodanseres en docent, en heeft zich verder gespecialiseerd in bezieling en belichaming. Al op 14 jarige leeftijd herkende ze zich in de Soefi’s, en dit werd haar spirituele pad. Ze heeft aan de hand van haar spirituele inzicht en ervaring, ook in tradities zoals Kashmir Shaivisme, Advaita-Vedanta, en Tibetaans Tantra haar eigen vorm van overdracht ontwikkeld, middels een groot spectrum aan bewegingsmeditaties, waaronder Tandava. De Kosmische dans van Shiva en Shakti. Deze meditaties wekken op een zachte en heldere manier onze extatische natuur en brengen ons in verbinding en afstemming met de inherente bliss van ons wezen. In haar lessen combineert ze mystieke visie met heldere taal.
Medio 2020 is ze gecertificeerd als meditatieleraar, waarin ze zich heeft verdiept in Kundalini Awakening, het subtiele lichaam, en de chakra’s. Lizelot geeft, naast haar groepslessen en workshops, ook individuele sessies o.a. voor innerlijk leiderschap, spirituele bewustwording, aarding (ook voor bijvoorbeeld hoog sensitieve kinderen), en zelf-realisatie. Ook is het mogelijk om een transformatief jaartraject bij haar te volgen.
Interview in Dutch for ‘ Tijdschrift’ INZICHT artikel Mei 2019: