Sacred Ascension Day Gathering
Discovering the One in the many, and honoring the diversity in the One
A full-day Gathering in Blisveld, Netherlands on May 18, 2023

We live in a world where an experience of separation and conflict sometimes seem present on a daily basis. On this day we come together with the intention of experiencing a deeper essence of our being. The interconnectedness of everything that is recognized when we see through the illusion of separation.
All great traditions in the spirit of spiritual enlightenment and liberation point to this. The words may be different, the practices may emphasize different aspects of the infinite jewel of absolute reality – but still, it is the same jewel. Spiritual realization leads us into a recognition of a reality beyond words, where all separation dissolves. So instead of focusing only on what separates us, which we tend to do in our daily lives, we want to set a symbol and explore and experience our essential Oneness in a space of deep silence.
On this day, through practices and meditations of diverse traditions, we honor their diversity, as well as the unity consciousness beyond any separation that lies at the heart of spiritual liberation.
Diving together into the deeper reality of our essential oneness
Every wave has its unique beauty, but essentially it comes from and dissolves into the same ocean. And more than that – if the wave would only for a moment loosen the strong identification with its present wave form, and sink a little bit deeper into its inner being, then it would immediately realize that it was never separated from the ocean. How could it ever be lonely or feel incomplete again?
From this realization, life becomes a dance of freedom and love, knowing that all waves share the same essence, that on a deeper level there is only the endless sea of creation.
We are that wave! On this special day together, let us discover our true nature and celebrate our deeper oneness.

The Ascension Day Includes:
Opening the Heart
Highly refined and refining movements for soul-embodiment. Aligning and merging the physical body, the human form and mind, with our Divine nature.
Shamanic Ceremony
Shamanic ceremony from the Native American tradition to honor our planet and nature and open our being to the spiritual dimension.
Shaktipat Initiation
Shaktipat enables a safe and consistent activation of Kundalini, the divine force that is resting as potential within us. And can lead naturally into deep and blissful meditation and spiritual revelations.
Movement Prayers & Sufi Mantra’s
Highly refined and refining movements for soul-embodiment. Aligning and merging the physical body, the human form and mind, with our Divine nature.
Nature & Community
In between the different guided activities of the day, there is time for meeting friends, meditative walks on the biodynamic farmland or in the forest around, beautiful and profound encounters, gardening, playing with Willem: the most charming dog on the farm, cuddling our two sweet donkeys we recently adopted, making music and singing, etc.
Vegan, Organic Lunch & Dinner
The Ascension Day Gathering includes an organic vegan lunch & dinner and free tea, coffee, fruits & water throughout the day.
Our Program
Aligned with the intention of this day it is filled with a range of practices from many different traditions. These included sacred movements and Sufi mantras, a shamanic ceremony, the royal path of yoga – a Shaktipat initiation, and lecture on Kundalini awakening, a lecture on the heart in spiritual traditions, and meditation to open the heart.
Movement Prayers & Sufi Mantra’s
with Sarah Lizelot
10:30 – 12:30 h.
Highly refined and refining movements for soul-embodiment. Aligning and merging the physical body, the human form and mind, with our Divine nature.
Every movement can be a prayer. When we learn to pray with the body through the art of movement, the body begins to become a gateway into more and more subtle aspects of our being. Body and mind harmonize and merge. In the presence, spaciousness and openness that emerges, the divine finally begins to reveal itself.
In this session Sarah will guide you to be in touch with the soul, through the felt sense in the body. You will learn how to infuse the body with the energy of supreme love. Sufi mantras will be shared as a devotional practice, opening and expanding the Heart.

Shamanic Ceremony, Shaktipat & Meditation
With Dr. Gabriel Cousens
15:00 – 17:00
Gabriel will open the afternoon with a shamanic ceremony from the Native American tradition to honor our planet and nature and open our being to the spiritual dimension. Afterwards there will be a short introduction to the world of spiritual awakening, in preparation for a Shaktipat initiation. In the Yogic tradition, Shaktipat is the giving of higher frequency spiritual energy in order to awaken the Kundalini. For Kundalini is the spiritual potential that rests in potential within us. Once awakened it opens our being, releases blockages, and finally leads into unity consciousness – into a spiritual awakening. The awakening of Kundalini through Shaktipat is considered the royal path of yoga.
After 7 years of intensive practice in the ashram, Gabriel was acknowledged as liberated and his Guru Swami Muktananda empowered him to become a vehicle for Shaktipat transmission.
Shaktipat leads very natural into deep and blissful meditation. The afternoon session will be concluded by a open sharings and Q&A.
Opening the Heart
With Shai Tubali
19:00 – 21:30
On this evening we will discover and awaken the true power of the heart with Shai Tubali in deep silence.
Already in the Upanishads, from Hinduism, and also in the Buddhist tradition, the heart has a central importance. It is considered the seat of the soul, and our deepest, spiritual nature. But the heart also plays a central role in Christianity, and Jesus elevated love to the highest commandment.
So what is the heart? What is its deeper spiritual meaning? And what is the way of the heart? And how can it be awakened?
In an evening Satsang, Shai will talk about the heart in different spiritual traditions, and in a deep meditation we will dive together into the reality of the awakened heart.

The Teachers

Dr. Gabriel Cousens
Meet internationally renowned spiritual teacher, leading expert on herbal medicine and spiritual nutrition, and seven-time best-selling author Dr. Gabriel Cousens.
When Gabriel first received Shaktipat at a meditation workshop with Swami Muktananda in 1975, it led into deeper and deeper meditation experiences, an experience of profound bliss, and ultimately an experience of a unity consciousness. Deeply touching his soul, this event fundamentally changed his life.
It was the beginning of a spiritual life. And after 7 years of intense practice in the ashram in India, Swami Muktananda declared him liberated and empowered him to give Shaktipat initiations himself.
He made a name for himself as co-founder of the world’s first Kundalini Giant Clinic, and for his books on spiritual nutrition and vegan raw food, which are classics in the field worldwide.
Dr. Cousens has dedicated his life to the evolution of human consciousness, and healthy and sustainable nutrition. He has worked in 128 countries, both as a spiritual teacher and helping to build humanitarian projects.
In May Gabriel is on workshop and seminar tour , M.D. on his tour in Germany and the Netherlands in May 2023.And because this is so relevant in these times, Gabriel’s intention is to share the spark of awakening, the greatest gift he has ever received, with as many people as possible: Shaktipat. This is a unique opportunity to meet a living Spiritual Guide from the lineage of Swami Muktananda.

Sarah Lizelot
Sarah Lizelot transmits movement meditations for soul-embodiment as a spiritual practice. Her spiritual path is deeply rooted in Sufism.
She was trained as a ballet and contemporary dancer, and has been teaching Argentine Tango internationally for over 25 years. While teaching Tango, intimately working with about 150 students a week for 20 years, she was deeply investigating how masculine and feminine principles are merging in creation. It is the profound and refined study and transmission of true Nataraj, the Dance of Shiva and Shakti.
Her spiritual path started at the age of 14, when she discovered Rumi. Reading a single sentence sent her into an ecstatic rapture. Finally, at the age of 24, she met her spiritual master Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh by whom she was initiated in the mystical path, and was guided by him closely.
Sarah developed movement meditations for aligning the human form with the Divine Essence, the individual mind with pure Consciousness. She functions as a guide for others, enabling transformation and self-realisation in the midst of the world and daily human life.

Shai Tubali
Spiritual Teacher, Author and Philosopher – Shai is a prolific and renowned author, with 23 books published to date. His bestselling books have been translated into five languages and have won awards in Israel and the United States.
In his teachings Shai makes use of ancient mystical knowledge to enlighten our human experience. He believes that transcendent states of consciousness have the power to pour meaning, depth, order, and clarity into our deeply complex and sometimes troubled life. In his work, he aims to clarify the principle of psychological and spiritual transformation as much as possible.
Blisveld – About the Venue

Blisveld is a biodynamic farmland surrounded by beautiful forest. It has been created with the intention of sharing and creating heart opening gatherings and retreats and healing and deepening our connection to Mother Nature, our relationship with others, and that with ourselves.
The warm and welcoming atmosphere allows profound encounters, gardening, playing with Willem: the most charming dog on the farm, cuddling our two sweet donkeys we recently adopted, making music and singing, etc.
Blisveld, NETHERLANDS, May 18, 2023
Secure your place now
Early Bird Price until April 30: Only 135 €, normal price 150 €
May 18, 2023
10:30 – 21:30
Boerderij Blisveld – Blisveld Farm, Tellingstraat 9 Drempt
(Nearest trainstation: Dieren, or else Zutphen. Please contact Lizelot if you would need to be picked up)
Community & Time in Nature
In between the different guided activities of the day, there is time for meeting friends, meditative walks on the biodynamic farmland or in the forest around, beautiful and profound encounters, gardening, playing with Willem: the most charming dog on the farm, cuddling our two sweet donkeys we recently adopted, making music and singing, etc.
Lizelot de Stigter
+31 6 48524541
To participate in this event you can register via email at Lizelot: